gbutils: cygwin installation

Table of Contents


The present document provides a short description of how to install the gbutils package inside a Cygwin environment.

From its website "Cygwin is a large collection of GNU and Open Source tools which provide functionality similar to a Linux distribution on Windows". The Cygwin DLL currently works with all recent, commercially released x86 32 bit and 64 bit versions of Windows, starting with Windows XP SP3.

Install Cygwin

You can skip this part if you use Cygwin already. Otherwise follow the instructions.

From the Cygwin website download the installation program on the windows machine. There is both a 32 bit and a 64 bit flavor. Launch the executable. It will require to set a few parameters, but I usually accept the default setting. Then you are presented with a page that ask you to select extra packages for installation, similar to the picture below. You will follow the same procedure to update packages or install other packages later.


From this window select the packages (by clicking on the "circular arrows" symbol on the left) gsl and gsl-devel. Moreover check that the packages crypt and make are selected. They should be already, but you never know. If you plan to install the libmatheval support (highly recommended) install also flex, guile, guile-devel, libgmp and libgmp-devel. For plotting or graphical analysis install gnuplot (recommended) or plotutils.

Install GNU matheval library

Download the last package from the libmatheval website. It should have extension .tar.gz. Move the package in c:\cigwin\usrl\local and launch the Cygwin desktop (an icon should have been created in your Desktop). Inside the shell move to /usr/local/ and unpack the source code

tar xvzf libmatheval-{version}.tar.gz

move inside the source directory

cd libmatheval-{version}

run the configure script specifying the prefix /usr

./configure --prefix=/usr

then build the files


Don't worry about possible error messages generated by the programs in the test directory. We don't need them. Finally install the library

make install

If more detailed instructions are necessary, see the file INSTALL in the source directory (you can use the command less INSTALL).

Install gbutils

From the cafed repository download the last tar.gz package and move it in the c:\cygwin\usr\local directory. In the Cygwin desktop unpack the package:

tar xvzf gbutils-{version}.tar.gz

move inside the source directory

cd gbutils-{version}

run the configure script


then build the files


and install them

make install

If more detailed instructions are necessary, see the file INSTALL in the source directory (you can use the command less INSTALL).

This is the END, enjoy your gbutils :-)

Created: 2023-07-06 Thu 18:13